Get started with SheetAI App

Get started with SheetAI App

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In this step by step docs, you will see how to use AI Inside Google Sheets, to run multiple variations of your prompts. In total it will take 8-10 min to get started then it will be as simple as opening any google sheet and running the function

Get Started

Install the add-on (1 min)

  • Click on the Install button
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  • Click on Continue
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  • Pick your Google account
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  • Allow the requested permissions
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  • And you’re done!
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Create OpenAI Account and get API key (4 min)

To create OpenAI key we need to SignUp for OpenAI account and then verify with mobile number and then generate a key.
Creating OpenAI Account does not cost money, Initially you get $18 in credits which is enough to write 1000’s of 3000 letter blogs.
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  • Click Create new secret key
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  • Copy it to your clipboard
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Setup API key to SheetAI App (2 min)

Just visit (to create new google sheet) and then Extensions > SheetAI App > Launch
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SheetAI Examples

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SheetAI makes automating mundane tasks like text editing, generating multiple answers, and extracting information easily. With SheetAI, you can quickly and easily create taglines, apply tags, translate text, summarise, and populate data with dummy information.
Here is a List of SheetAI Functions with usage Examples.

SHEETAI function

Write a tagline:
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Add some temperature for more creativity:
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If you want the AI response to be listed, take up multiple cells in a Google Sheet.
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Like GPT, but outputs the results in a table. Very practical when the output is a table.
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Edit your text:
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SHEETAI_TAG function

Apply all relevant tags:
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Extract email addresses or country:
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Translate from English to Hindi:
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SHEETAI function

Summarise a text:
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Populate descriptions in a product catalog:
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Clean up an email list, Clean up names, Generate dummy data and more.

General Functions Settings

you can set
  • response_token (which helps set the token limit for response initially it is 200 if need a larger output increase it. For English language, 1000 tokens are 750 words (source),
  • temperature: Controls Randomness, Lowering results in less Random Completion. As the temperature approaches zero model become deterministic and repetitive
  • mode: you can use all models “gpt-3.5-turbo”, “text-curie-001”, “text-babbage-001”, “text-ada-001”
  • cache: helps save openai credits in case of rerun of SheetAI function, it is saved in your secure google cache for 6 hours.
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SheetAI for Google SheetsInstall Now →

Follow these steps to install and get started with SheetAI for Google Sheets:

  1. 1Click the “Install Now” button above to open the Google Workspace Marketplace
  2. 2Click on 'Install'
  3. 3Select your account
  4. 4Click on 'Continue'
  5. 5Click 'Allow'
  6. 6Click on 'Next'
  7. 7Click on 'Done'
  8. 8Open sheet
  9. 9Click on 'Extensions'
  10. 10You can see 'SheetAI App' install
  11. 11Done 🚀