How To

How to Create a Line Graph in Google Sheets

Learn how to create a line graph in Google Sheets with this step-by-step guide, enhancing data presentation and analysis.

Creating a line graph in Google Sheets is a straightforward way to visualize trends over time, relationships, or changes across categories. Whether you’re analyzing business data, tracking project timelines, or comparing statistical values, a line graph can be an indispensable tool for presenting your data clearly and effectively.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of creating a line graph in Google Sheets, along with tips to enhance your charts for better data interpretation.

Understanding Line Graphs

Before diving into the mechanics of creating a line graph, it’s crucial to understand what a line graph is and when it’s appropriate to use one. A line graph, or line chart, displays information as a series of data points (known as 'markers') connected by straight line segments. It is typically used to visualize data that changes over time (time series), but it can also illustrate trends in other kinds of sequential data.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Line Graph

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

To start, your data should be organized in two columns on a Google Sheets spreadsheet:
  • Column A: This will represent the x-axis, typically time periods or categories.
  • Column B: This will represent the y-axis, showing the values for each category or time period.
For example:
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Step 2: Select Your Data

Click and drag to select the data you want to include in your line graph. Be sure to include both the headers and the data points.
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Step 3: Insert the Line Graph

With your data selected, navigate to the menu bar and click on Insert. From the dropdown menu, select Chart. Google Sheets will automatically create a chart based on your data. By default, it might not always choose a line graph, so you may need to adjust this in the next step.
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Step 4: Customize Your Chart Type

Once the chart appears in your sheet:
  1. Click on the chart to select it, which will open the Chart Editor on the right side of your window.
  1. In the Chart Editor, click on Setup if not already selected.
  1. Under the Chart type dropdown, select Line chart.
Your data will now be displayed as a line graph.
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Step 5: Customize Your Line Graph

To enhance the readability and appearance of your line graph, you can make several adjustments:
  • Chart Style: Adjust the background color, font styles, and line smoothness.
  • Chart & Axis Titles: Add or modify the titles for better clarity. Include informative titles that describe what the data represents.
  • Series: Customize the line colors, adjust line thickness, or add data labels to make individual data points easily identifiable.
  • Legend: Position your legend to where it best suits your layout, such as the top, bottom, left, or right of your chart.

Step 6: Advanced Customizations

For those who need more detailed analysis tools:
  • Trendlines: Add a trendline to forecast future data and analyze patterns.
  • Error bars: Include error bars to represent data variability.
  • Data Ranges: Modify data ranges directly from the chart editor for dynamic updates.

Best Practices for Line Graphs in Google Sheets

  • Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering your graph with too much information. Stick to essential elements.
  • Label clearly: Ensure all labels are readable and axes are clearly marked.
  • Consistent scale: Use consistent scales on the y-axis to make comparisons fair and meaningful.
  • Highlight important data: Use annotations or different colors to highlight critical data points or changes.


Creating a line graph in Google Sheets is not only about showcasing data but also about telling a story. By following the steps outlined above and applying best practices, you can create effective and visually appealing line graphs that make your data comprehensible and impactful for any audience. Remember, the key to effective data presentation lies in how clearly it can convey the intended message, making tools like Google Sheets an invaluable part of your data analysis toolkit.